Friday, March 30, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
12,000 jobs to go... 14,000 more through attrition
I feel strangely at peace - whatever will be will be. I have skills. I AM marketable. I need to remind myself of that after 10 years with the big C. I hope I have the skill and integrity to work through the wait, I hope my team is safe.
Mother Knows Best
This morning I was running around getting ready for work and my 7 year old was not cooperating at all. She was scared to be downstairs by herself and she was very weepy. Not like her at all.
Hubby was going to drop me off at work since he needed the car (yes, we are one of *those* oddities - the one car family) but something told me to work at home instead.
The morning pace slowed down considerably, we got in some cuddle time and then I sent this kids off to school. At 8.30 I get a call from Ms 7... she had locked herself into a washroom stall at school too mortified to come out...she hadn't made it the bathroom in time.
I was so upset for her - imagine the feeling of powerlessness as she sat in that bathroom waiting for me to get there with a change of clothes. She missed the bell. She's never late. It irks her to even think of being late. The poor kid was so upset.
We got her cleaned up and then I dragged myself home, at a much slower pace than I had managed to get there I might add, all the while thinking...what if. What if I hadn't been home? What if I hadn't given her the replacement cell phone after irresponsible Mr 13 had lost the first one? What if?
I am so grateful to have the kind of job that allows me the flexibility to work from home on occasion. My team is wonderfully supportive and my boss, well she's working from home today too.
It's hard growing up. The school hallways can be unforgiving places. Just ask any of us that were even a little overweight as children. I am so glad I could be there today.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Bitten by the MS bug
Today the opthamologist confirmed that I have a mild case of Optic Neuritis again... in the right eye... again. Odds are it will go away over time but it's such a vivid reminder that I do have this weird disease. The new thing about this flare up is numbness in my right leg. I had assumed that the numbness was associated with the pinched nerve in my back but because of the way it's presenting (the whole leg including foot has been numb for about 3 weeks) my PCP feels that it's most likely associated with the MS. Crap... new symptoms are not welcome! The old ones I can live with.
So once again it's March and MS has come out to play. March and August tend to be my danger months... apparently it's virus season during these times and MS is often considered to be a viral disease. May be something to that me thinks...
Oh well... back to get my eyes checked in 8 weeks to see if I've lost any vision permanently. I've always had it come back but I have to admit that I have a real fear of losing my vision on a permanent basis as/if the MS progresses. It's a real reminder to take in all the beauty in the world when you can because one day you may not be able to...
What time of Day Are you?
You Are Sunrise |
You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary. You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward. Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts. All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be. |
This is actually pretty close... This is thanks to Alison who had posted the link on her blog
Travel Bug
Lately my forays have been into the US - Florida, PA, Ohio. All have been fun. I am however feeling the need for a BIG trip. I don't know what it is but I do know that I'm in need of an adventure. I want to visit somewhere new - to see the country, to meet the people, to lose myself in someone elses world for just a while. Financially this is not doable for us right now but I'm thinking it's time to start planning. My husband and I have not done a big trip together yet - maybe this is the time for us to share that experience.
Any suggestions as to where we should go? All suggestions will be researched and considered!
Internet Dependancy
Thanks to a wayward sidewalk plow who decided not only to clear the snow but dig up the near surface lying cable we lost our internet connection on Saturday. The saying "you don't know what you have until you lose it" was so true for us as a family. We use the internet for everything. What time does the Hockey Hall of Fame open? Look at the net. What time does the bus leave? Look at the net. What is Erins phone number? Look at the net. You get the picture. We use the internet like generations before us have used phone books, libraries, newspapers and phones themselves. We use Skype... we had no home phone until last night.
For four days I could not blog. For four days I could not check in on the websites that I read daily... I couldn't get my dose of Tia, MaryBeth, Sharon, Alison, Kim and Epzy. These folks are my grounding... through their experiences with their DS's I have a barometer... it gives me a sense of whether I'm doing ok, they have helped me to learn more that I can explain, and quite frankly I just enjoy their blogs.
At night I put my 7year old to bed and then I sit in the office until she falls asleep. This is my time to surf - read up on what's happening in the world, research something I'm interested in or just veg. I have to say I missed that.
I can't decide whether it's a sad statement about the state of our lives or whether it is merely reflective of the day and age we live in.. Either way I am so glad to have connectivity back.
Weight today: 267.6.
This is new territory. The size 20 jeans I longed to get into are now cool is that!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Weight Update
I can taste it... the 260's are not far off. I tried to recall when I last weighed less that 27 something and I couldn't. I made it down to the 270's about 2 years ago but I had been bouncing between that and 330 for several years. I don't remember any lower weights other than when I was on optifast and lost 100lbs just before I moved to Canada. Back then I got down to about 180lbs. It was a pretty good weight for me since I am 5'10" (or 5' 11" as I was back then)
So things are progressing. If you recall at the beginning of the month I bounced back up to 280 for about 5 days. I'm happy with the way things are going. We're into the slow and steady stretch... the key for me is steady... I need to see the downward progression over time.
Next target - to get my butt into size 18's... I figure I'm about a month away.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Life is Short
Let me start by saying that I don't know Karen and I don't know the other people in this story. Yesterday Karen passed away on the streets of Curitiba Brazil. The story of her passing has filled me with a sadness that I cannot explain.
Karen, Amanda and Jaime all had their duodenal switches done in Brazil this week. They met at the hotel and bonded as you would expect - they are all part of a unique sisterhood often referred to as the "Switch Sistah's". They were each others' support. During a trip out to buy her brother cigars Karen collapsed in the street and passed away - likely cause pulmonary embolism. Her new friends, their parents and her mother watched her die. She left behind a husband and two young children in California. Today they are without a wife and mother. Her friends... Amanda, who I am familiar with through the ObesityHelp community, have been through an incredibly shocking experience. They are new Dser's on the start of what should be an incredible journey and instead they will live with this trauma forever.
My heart goes out to them all. Her children who will never know the love of their mother again. Her husband who has lost his partner. Her mom... oh my gosh can you imagine watching your child die so unexpectedly. Her friends who have lost the opportunity to claim joy at having successfully been switched.
Surgery is risky. It is not known whether the DS caused this death (there were unrelated complications). Death is possible. For each of us that have had or are planning to have weight loss surgery, we are willing to risk death to have a chance to really live.
Rest in peace Karen
Monday, March 12, 2007
10 years
Sunday, March 11, 2007
The first victim of daylight savings
So Erin and Amber - sorry! I'll be there next week ready to float on out of my swim suit.
Friday, March 09, 2007
The Problem with our Schools
I missed it again
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Multiple Sclerosis and Me
Hopefully one day we'll be seeing the headline "Cure for MS Found!".
Weight Update
After creeping back up to , and sitting at, 280 lbs for quite a few days I am very relieved to see the scale moving in the right direction.
It was very confusing to see the scale move up. I knew I couldn't possibly be eating enough to experience true weight gain but the "fat demons" in my head were quick to jump into action. I truly believe that the diet industry has it all wrong. Low carb, low cal, drugs etc should not be the primary focus. Much greater success would be had if we could somehow tap into the power of our minds - kill the demons. This may not be true of everyone but it certainly is true for me.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
To squeeze or not to squeeze...
It would seem that I am one of the lucky DSers for whom this surgery means an abundance of nutrients building up in the intestine. Nutrients that the bad guys love. Nutrients that cause gas that could/should be bottled and shipped to Iraq to end the war forever. A course of Flagyl seemed to take care of the problem but within a week the bad guys were winning again. Tonight I started on a maintenance dose of Flagyl - the goal, over the next couple of months, will be to find the lowest dose possible that will allow me to live with my loved ones without causing dry gagging and watery eyes. Yes, it really is that bad.
So from Thursday until today I have had to practice extreme control in stopping the gas from escaping while in the presence of other human beings. I was getting quite good at it too. But I discovered that the side effect of that impressive squeezing is a hemorrhoid the size of which I didn't know could exist. I almost feel like I should name it...
So the basically if I don't squeeze I end up divorced and if I do, I end up with a little alien living on the dark side of the moon. Hmmmm... tough choice...
Why on earth would a normal sane person share this in such a public forum? Well, I know there are readers out there researching their options. This is my experience and it is possible for others too. I researched far and wide before putting my life in Dr L's hands - I knew of the possibilities going in. But ya know, the things that stuck most were the stories that people shared. The stories of the impacts. The stories of the successes and the stories of the heart breaks.
Hopefully one person will find this helpful, the rest of you can now stop laughing!
Monday, March 05, 2007
The Easy Way Out
What they don't realize is that only 5% of people who lose significant amounts of weight sustain it. The failure rate is 95%. It is why as a society we are getting fatter. I truly admire anyone who can lose weight and keep it off - whether they do it alone, with weight loss surgery, with hypnosis... whatever. No matter which way you do it is nothing but hard work.
I can only speak to my experience with the Duodenal Switch - everyone's story is different - and I can say that it has not been all smooth sailing.
On the plus side I have lost a significant amount of weight in a short period of time. There is no denying that. In order for me to do that I have had to change my eating significantly. I can't eat as much but that doesn't stop me from 'wanting' more. I have had to learn/am still learning to deal with head hunger. Previously I always had the option to eat more - now I simply don't. Sugar and other simple carbs, when consumed in any quantity will have me spending more time in the bathroom that I wish to. It also means trying to control explosive noxious gas which is painful and embarrassing in one hit. This is forever - there is no falling off the wagon. All the habits and comfort responses that we had in relation to food are stripped away. You have to find a way to deal with life. That is not easy. WLS forces you to do this quickly. That is not easy. There is no way to hide anymore. That is not easy.
Self control and exercise are still a big part of overall success - the difficult part of WLS on top of that is finding ways to cope with the things that made you fat in the first place. Choosing to take that option, and I understood this going in, is not easy. Choosing to risk immediate death by going under the knife as a super morbidly obese person is not easy.
For people like me WLS, whichever one you choose, is a tool that when worked properly will help me lose the weight that I need to attain better health. But it is is far from easy.
Sometimes You Just Have to Laugh
If that wasn't comedic enough, next came... getting dressed. I almost feel like I need a drum roll. Because of my many numerous scars on my abdomen I prefer to get dressed in a private change room so off I trundle to the family change rooms. Now like all washroom doors there is always a crack of half an inch or so around the doors but with careful positioning it is totally possible to get dressed without overly exposing ones self.
It does however require some coordination. Thanks to rubbery arms (I guess that resistance was working) and a bra that is tight but usually manageable I could not for the life of me do up my bra. The logistics goes something like this. Lean forward so massively sagging boobs are pointing directly southward. Scoop said boobs into the hug slingshot bra. Breath in, reach back and try to get hooks into the first row of eyes. Readjust boobs and viola, not half a bad bust line. Yesterday it took me five attempts to get this done. My arms were like jello and I could not pull the bra tight enough to allow for hooking. I was doing all this while trying to keep my elephant butt from being visible through aforementioned door cracks.
I had to laugh at myself - from a pure slapstick humour point of view - this was a doozy. I hope that I haven't traumatized some young little thing that got a peek while all this was happening.
Watch out Janet Jackson - I may just beat you for the title of "queen of the wardrobe malfunction"
Friday, March 02, 2007
Feeling Blue
There's no one thing that's getting me down but my general malaise is making everything a little harder to deal with.
For starters, I've put on weight. Since measuring myself at a low of 277 I've bounced back to 280. My head tells me that it's only temporary but it feels too long. All the old fears come rushing to the forefront. To make matters worse, the gas is back with a vengeance. I finished my Flagyll a few days ago and today I am suffering. Looks like it's time to go back to the doctor and get a maintenance dose. This after telling her yesterday I was doing great... how quickly things can change. The gas thing definitely has an impact - it makes me so uncomfortable and so self conscious. Not to mention so stinky!
Next - Mr 13 is driving me to drink...well in my mind anyway. He's been an obnoxious disrespectful little turd this week and I'm worn out. I actually yelled at him... this is so not me. I'm not a yeller, I tend to silently stew. Well he got a rise out of me. Beaten down by a 13 year old... yep, doesn't get more sad than that...sigh...
Lastly, and of great concern, I'm feeling very apathetic towards my work. This hasn't happened in a long time and I can't afford to have it happen now. Things were going so well... am I just trying to shoot myself in the foot? Can't sabotage myself with food so let's take it out on another part of my life? Crap - I hope not.
There ya have it, throwing myself a major pity party when in reality I really shouldn't. Others have it far worse than I do... I need to give myself a shake.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Month 3 Photo Comparison
So now to the photos. I have realized that depending on how your monitor is configured you will see these differently so inevitably the writing ends up in the wrong place. I have no idea how to fix that so I am going to simply say that the four photos represent Pre-surgery (350lbs), Month 1 (-42lbs) ;Month 2 (-60lbs) and Month 3 (-72lbs). There is not much of a visible difference between months 2 and 3 but I am down another size. Yay - wearing jeans with no holes!
I'm back in, I'm back in!
The problem turned out to be a very simple cookie issue. Holy crap - all this stress for a simple cookie.
Now I'm in watch out... I have a bunch of words just dying to get out!