Life's a journey - Let's Switch it Up!

Monday, February 16, 2009

All Things Children... The Update

Let's start with the good and move down from there...

Ms 9 is doing fabulously well. She loves school and as has been her practice she excels at it. It's not just about the grades (more on this momentarily) it's about her sense of community and involvement. She participates in everything ranging from choir to the "eco club". She stays behind after school to help the teacher. She peer mentors her fellow classmates in subjects that she is strong in. She just loves being a part of it all. As part of the grade 4 ability testing, Ms 9 has been identified as gifted. In fact she scored well enough in the two tests to qualify her to be a member of Mensa. Let's just hope that she doesn't ever decide to use her brains for evil! Next month we will be going on a school visit to see if we want to enroll her in a gifted contained classroom at another school. It means moving her from her friends and all that is familiar. It however provides her with the opportunity to be challenged in a way that she is not now. She would be with 17 - 20 other 10 year olds with similar ability. I am leaning towards changing schools... we will see.

Mr 15 is the same infuriating self centred little guy that he's been for the past three years but he has moments where I see light. The glimpses are few and far between but they are there and I'm hanging onto those in the belief that at some point in time there will be more light and less dark. He is not an academic but does do well when he decides he either likes a subject, likes a teacher or has to do a minimal amount of work to pass a class. He has decided he wants to be a drama teacher. We will see... currently he is scraping in with a C- average but given that is higher than his much more capable older brother I can't say too much.

Which brings me to Mr 17. He is currently dating a very young 15 yr old. Nice enough girl but as you can imagine much concern from all parental types around the nearly 3 yr age difference. I am sure that Mr 17 is hoping that this relationship will become sexual in nature, we are hoping that it won't. Shaking my head. He is the proud non-acheiver currently sporting a resounding D average. This is the same guy that was on the honour roll in grade 8. Sigh. The good news is that he did get himself a part-time job which he has managed to hold since July of last year. We'll ignore the fact that he really would prefer not to be working there and gives away shifts a little too readily. Another sigh. He is planning a loser lap of grade 12. He says he will do better. All I hear, the same I've heard for the last 4 years, is blah blah blah. I'm so proud...

Is it all bad. No. Is it all good. Hell no. I hate when I see potential being pissed away. I hate it in myself. I hate it in my kids.


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