Despite my gas inducing experience I have managed to stay fairly true to the eating plan of a Dser. Lots and lots of protein, nuts, an apple or two and my beloved high fat, high protein Starbucks coffees. The weight is definitely moving in the right direction.I am under no false illusion of keeping up at this pace - this current pace is purely reflective of the first days of dieting. The body does good. The mind does good. The next few weeks will be the telling ones. Those first days that the scale moves up (and I know it will). Those first days when the scale doesn't move at all. These interruptions were always a challenge in my pre Dser, perpetual dieting days. They don't play with my mind as much these days but it'll be interesting to see since this is the first time since my DS that I have had to truly "restrict" myself.
Holy Gas Batman...
Alrighty that wasn't fun.I said I would share the good bad and ugly. Last night definitely fell into the ugly. This post was actually yesterday...Yesterday started off well but spiraled quickly into a carb fest of little self control. What amazed me was the depth of the "body" payback. I have had far far worse days in the last 9 months but it would seem that a few days of clean living followed by a trip to sugarville just doesn't work for me. My first reaction was an attack of the "foamies". I haven't really experienced that since the early months of post op. I'm thinking the orange juice played a part but most likely it was tied in closely to eating too much at one sitting. But the real payback came last night. I thought my body was going to explode with the gas that simply did not want to escape. Contrary to popular belief this was not the much talked about "smelly" gas often linked to the DS procedure - it was simply gas. Lots of it. Painful, I want to rip my body apart, type of gas. I ended up sleeping on the sofa so I could easily make it to the washroom on time. I probably didn't need to do that but I'm not one to just trust that it may only be gas... I was up essentially from 12.30am to 6.15ish when I finally called it quits and started the day. The reaction took me by surprise. I am very happy to never eat a donut again after that experience. Today its back on the protein and fat. I feel better. Tired thanks to a lack of sleep but better.
All Things Work... The Update
It's hard to believe that I have been at my current company for nearly 18 months... this week it would have been my 2 year anniversary of being downsized out of the big C. Looking back, I can still say that it was one of the best things that ever happened to me.I love where I am. I have a deep and abiding belief in what we are trying to achieve as a company. I see myself as part of the solution which is both exciting and scary.But it hasn't been all roses. Like many companies, we have been deeply impacted by the economic woes of the world. A month ago I had to tell 12 of my team that they no longer had jobs. It was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do in my professional career but it is a decision that I support. The company made a difficult decision in the interest of survival and that has my respect. We did what we had to do with the dignity of those impacted in mind. I don't know what was hardest - telling people that they could go home or seeing the sympathy in their eyes.As you can imagine the 6 weeks of planning that went into this event created a new layer of stress that I was not well prepared for. I didn't realize the toll it took until it was done. It took me nearly a full month to be able to say that I feel like myself again.
Now I see a time of hope and growth. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger right?
Moving down
Yesterday was a day of protein, fat and a few carbs. Add in a stack load of water (I had forgotten what it was like to need to pee so much!) and the result is...237lbs.Yes it's water weight but I'll take it. 17lbs over the last time I checked is so much better than 21lbs over!Today will be a real test for me. It's been a long time since I've stayed away from the vending machines at work. A really long time.
All Things Children... The Update
Let's start with the good and move down from there...Ms 9 is doing fabulously well. She loves school and as has been her practice she excels at it. It's not just about the grades (more on this momentarily) it's about her sense of community and involvement. She participates in everything ranging from choir to the "eco club". She stays behind after school to help the teacher. She peer mentors her fellow classmates in subjects that she is strong in. She just loves being a part of it all. As part of the grade 4 ability testing, Ms 9 has been identified as gifted. In fact she scored well enough in the two tests to qualify her to be a member of Mensa. Let's just hope that she doesn't ever decide to use her brains for evil! Next month we will be going on a school visit to see if we want to enroll her in a gifted contained classroom at another school. It means moving her from her friends and all that is familiar. It however provides her with the opportunity to be challenged in a way that she is not now. She would be with 17 - 20 other 10 year olds with similar ability. I am leaning towards changing schools... we will see.Mr 15 is the same infuriating self centred little guy that he's been for the past three years but he has moments where I see light. The glimpses are few and far between but they are there and I'm hanging onto those in the belief that at some point in time there will be more light and less dark. He is not an academic but does do well when he decides he either likes a subject, likes a teacher or has to do a minimal amount of work to pass a class. He has decided he wants to be a drama teacher. We will see... currently he is scraping in with a C- average but given that is higher than his much more capable older brother I can't say too much.Which brings me to Mr 17. He is currently dating a very young 15 yr old. Nice enough girl but as you can imagine much concern from all parental types around the nearly 3 yr age difference. I am sure that Mr 17 is hoping that this relationship will become sexual in nature, we are hoping that it won't. Shaking my head. He is the proud non-acheiver currently sporting a resounding D average. This is the same guy that was on the honour roll in grade 8. Sigh. The good news is that he did get himself a part-time job which he has managed to hold since July of last year. We'll ignore the fact that he really would prefer not to be working there and gives away shifts a little too readily. Another sigh. He is planning a loser lap of grade 12. He says he will do better. All I hear, the same I've heard for the last 4 years, is blah blah blah. I'm so proud...
Is it all bad. No. Is it all good. Hell no. I hate when I see potential being pissed away. I hate it in myself. I hate it in my kids.
Not the reason I am back, although perhaps it should be, but more a sign that I am ready to deal with life again. My life.Today I stood on the scale. Today I cared enough to do so. Yesterday I ate like a DSer should do. It felt good. I feel good. It's been one hell of a ride.So where the heck have I been? I don't know how to fully explain it other than to say that I needed to just get through life. I didn't want to look too deeply. Mum's death has had an incredible impact and I have dealt with it by not dealing with it. I gave myself permission to do that so I could continue to deal with work, with teenagers, with a husband and with myself. By not dealing with it I didn't have to delve into the incredibly painful emotions. But what I also discovered is that by not dealing with it, the fragile coping mechanisms I had been building up as life of a post op DSer crumbled. They couldn't withstand the profound sense of loss that I was trying to bury and I reverted to the old and true. Stupid. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted. I have been making poor choices for nearly 9 months. My weight reflects that but more importantly my mood reflected that. I have forgotten how to laugh. I was afraid to let joy in. Wow... this is the first time I have articulated this. The power of the blog.I have missed my writing terribly but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Seeing the words was just too..,naked. I tried. I wrote drafts and then never posted. I wrote a couple of emails that never made the cut and paste. I wasn't able to share largely because it countered my need to bury. While it served it's purpose I think there's been a heavy price. My health is obviously one. I didn't feel good eating the way I was and yet I continued to do so. My family. I have not been able to give freely of myself and that has had an obvious impact. This really came out at Christmas time when hubby struggled with what to get me. He didn't know who I was anymore were the words. I didn't blame him. I think I lost myself for a while there.So am I back for real? I hope so. I want to focus on my health and I am hopeful that the weightloss will start again.I am 2 years 3 months post surgery. This will be an exercise to see if the wonderful tool called the Duodenal Switch still works. I have no doubt that it is thanks to the DS that I didn't post much higher numbers in the title line. The question is now that my stomach has stretched back to normal (resulting in little or no restriction) will the malabsorption serve me if I do the right things?I will track my progress along with what I am doing to make it work/fail. Not only will it allow me to take some accountability but maybe it will serve to help another DSer who has fallen off the tracks. I fell and I fell hard but I do not feel broken, and with that I feel ready to pick myself up and dust myself off.Wish me luck.