Life's a journey - Let's Switch it Up!

Monday, July 14, 2008

A new day and an update

So I awoke this morning to an email from my sister. My mother has been hospitalized after two severe pain attacks. She will be there until they find something that works.

She had an appointment with her one specialist yesterday - he was the guy who did her original bypass operation. Unfortunately there is nothing he can do that will allow her to keep her food in - he referred her to palliative care to work out the pain management regime.

It also appears that she may have a long infection - I should know more when I call in a few hours (gotta love the 13.5 hour time difference!). Add to that the fact that apparently her heart is under stress and she is not in a good place. I spoke with her this morning.

It was a weird discussion. Apparently the dr's at the hospital asked her if her heart gives out does she want to be revived? She told them yes. I questioned her. That was not a discussion I ever expected to have with my mother. She so wants to see my sisters baby which is due mid August. But seriously why on earth would you want to bring yourself back from death to experience intense pain until you die? And there's no guarantee that you will make it till August.

Agh! My middle sister Margaret has been wonderful. She has always had a great relationship with Dad and so she called him last night to discuss the revival thing. He agrees but until the point where she is no longer lucid he does not want to override her. He will however talk with her today. It's such a crappy position to put him in - to encourage his wife to die.

So that's the latest.

Mum was in ok spirits when I spoke with her. She was actually still waiting in casualty until her room was available. She has been caught off guard by how quickly this is now moving. She expected that she would have a period of time when the pain would worsen - the intensity of the attacks left her scared.


  • I'm so sorry Ann...what an awful situation.

    My Dad was asked the same question about revival and his answer was always an emphatic "NO!" I can't imagine making that decision, let alone telling a doctor that you don't want him to help you when you are dying. Ugh...I feel sick thinking about it.

    I am praying for your Mum...and for you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 9:55 PM  

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