Life's a journey - Let's Switch it Up!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Helping others help themselves. Kiva.

While I was in Australia Ms 9 and I learned about an incredible organization Kiva

Kiva is an organization that brings together ordinary people that want to make a difference. It is a facilitator of micro loans. Entrepreneurs in third world countries apply for small loans to help them expand or start a small business. The requested loan amounts are posted on and anyone can help contribute to that loan. The money is paid back in monthly installments over a predetermined period of time. 97% of all loans are repaid. 100% of the money you want to loan makes it to the requester. You can loan as little as $25.

The underlying fundamentals of this organization appeals to me. This is not about making a donation, although I fully believe that charity has a place. This is about enabling someone to look after themselves. It is about people who want to do better for themselves, for their families and their communities.

Ms 9 was so impressed with this concept that she decided to fund the last $150 of a $600 loan request to a woman who wanted to start her own sewing business. I was so impressed with Ms 9's sense of doing her bit that I have "underwritten" her loan. Should she fall into the 3% of loans that default she won't lose her hard earned dollars. Should she not, she has learned a valuable lesson about the power that each of us has to make a difference to someone less fortunate than ourselves. I hope this is the start of many loans that she makes over time.

If you can afford to "set aside" some dollars for 6 - 12 months then go check out


  • I get regular updates from those to whom I've lent microloans, and nary a one has defaulted.

    Great lesson for your daughter.

    I give Kiva loans as gifts to my nieces at the holidays and let them determine where they should go.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 10:49 PM  

  • I love this idea Allison... good thought for my nephews. I hadn't thought of that.

    By Blogger Aussieabroad, At 10:52 PM  

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