Life's a journey - Let's Switch it Up!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Weight Update

I have found the perfect stall buster... go back to work! I don't know what it is but since going back to work on Monday my weight has been shifting down on a daily basis. I started the week at 300.something and have ended up at 296. That's just over 4lbs since Monday. This may not seem like a lot but it's steady and that's the key for me. My month to date therefore is 12lbs. I am very happy with that rate of loss, and there's still 8 days to go before I have my official monthly total. Thanks to the surgery they are pounds that I will never see again. That's a really cool concept and not one I'm sure I have my head around yet.

During past weight loss attempts I've lost significant amounts of weight and at the time I was pretty sure that the weight would never come back. But it did. This time however I have this tool that is designed to help keep the weight loss off even if I'm human and allow the occasional indiscretion. The malabsorption component will be with me for ever. This is the safety net in terms of weight gain. It does have it's own challenges in terms of nutrient absorption but that can be managed.

So in summary... 54lbs gone since my surgery just over 7 weeks ago. Wow.


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