Life's a journey - Let's Switch it Up!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

The weekends go so fast

I really wish I could have appreciated unemployment when I had it... the weekends go so fast! There is simply no time to get things done... well, to get everything done. Today was a pretty productive one. Most of the Christmas stuff is packed away, Ms 8 got her hair cut, Ms 8's room is nearly tidy (and that took some serious doing!), I cooked dinner (which we didn't eat...long story) and I got the laundry done. Not bad. I even managed to get in my daily Starbucks so all is well with the world.

Weight this morning 216.4 lbs.

Doing good on the liquid, protein is a little low today I think and carbs are a little higher but that's ok. Tomorrow I'm shooting for an ultra low carb day, then the next a little higher. I'm subscribing to the "mix it up" theory but generally keeping to the high protein low carb regime.

Work is going to get even more insane since we are entering performance appraisal time. This year should be interesting since I haven't even been there for 3 months yet but will be responsible for delivering appraisals to my five managers. It just means a lot of work this time around getting everyone's input - I owe it to them to get them a balanced review. I'm sensing a few work at home days in my future as I try to plow through this stuff.

The kids go back to school tomorrow and it's time to get the bets in... how long before we get the first call or first email from one of Mr 16's teachers? My money is on 13 days.

Time to grab a drink and relax with hubby for a little while before heading off to bed. One of these days I'm going to get smart and start going to bed before midnight. This 5 - 6 hour sleep stuff if just silly.


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