Life's a journey - Let's Switch it Up!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Dumbass children

The folly continues.

The day after Mr 16's latest lie fest we get a call from his teacher. He's not doing the work. He's 80% of the book behind in taking notes. He feels that the notes in his head are just fine. We all know where his head spends most of it's time. Argh. It's a good thing children don't become teenagers first because you would never have a second one and the world would be doomed. The human population would simply die out.

To top it all off Mr 14 has been making some unfortunate dumbass decisions that has resulted in more than the required amount of stress all around.

These kids really don't get it. From their perspective the world revolves around them. We are there to do as they say and drive them to where they need to be. We are their short order cooks. They don't care about anyone else. They are incapable of seeing someone elses perspective and have no concept of how much the words "thank you" would save their sorry asses every now and then.

I so hope we've instilled enough of the good values in them that at some point when they start to become more likable again that they are also positive contributors to our society. Right now I don't see it, I just have to go one faith (or blind naiveness... whatever works)


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