Life's a journey - Let's Switch it Up!

Friday, April 13, 2007

24 hours later

Wow... I though the weight loss journey was a head ride. It is nothing compared to losing your job. Yesterday I was very practical about it. Very philosophical. Today? The emotions are much closer to the surface. I can't believe how uncontrollable the thoughts are - I'm thinking about it all the time. Anything ranging from the discussion itself, to how this will impact my relationship with my husband, to what I need to sort out in terms of logistics (when you work for a bank your whole financial situation tends to be tied up with them cause it's inexpensive). It's a constant stream of thoughts and emotions.

We told my team this morning. The bulk of the discussion was one big long lead up to saying Ann was impacted. Basically it was my bosses way of saying "I truly didn't know until Wednesday". The silence was deafening. I felt worse for my team than I did for myself.

From a third party observation perspective this is an interesting study of human nature. The range of my reactions is amazing. I'm sure that if I took the time to revisit my old hr text books I'd see that I'm going through the classical symptoms of mourning a loss.

I'm going to have to tighten my seat belt cause I can see that this ride is going to be a wild one!

On the upside - seems like there's nothing like a life altering shock to help drop some weight. Over night I lost just over 2lbs! So I'm now into a new decade at 259lbs. 91 in total. 100 is peeking just around the corner.


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