Life's a journey - Let's Switch it Up!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Wet Blanket

Do you know anyone that you would typically describe as a wet blanket? You know, the type of person who has the incredible ability to take the joy or the good out of everything. The type of person who has a heartfelt explanation for everything - fully believing that it's important that people know why things are not rosy. The sort of person who believes they are you doing a favour by helping you take off your rose coloured glasses.

This describes my son Mr 15. I don't know how he can stand himself. When he's in form, I spend 15 minutes with him and I feel like I need a shower to take off the dampness. It is simply horrible to be with him.

Today I took him to the clinic with me to get his hearing checked. He's been complaining about not being able to hear properly from one ear. You should have heard the conversation that ensued. Waste of time, no point, hasn't got any worse so why bother were just a few of the phrases. In the end I had to apologize for caring and tell him to shut his mouth and go for the ride. He doesn't get that his hearing is important and therefore ruling out infection (which we did) was the first step. He doesn't get that he needs that hearing to last him till he's old and grey and that any incremental loss of hearing is a cause for concern. He doesn't get that he should sometimes shut the frig up and go along for the ride. Man he makes my blood boil.

In life I choose not to surround myself with people like this. I am a believer in all things good. I believe that we can make a difference. I believe that the power of belief is a very strong force. But I can't choose him. He's mine. How on earth does someone this young become so miserable?

Agghhh. I need a shower!


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