Life's a journey - Let's Switch it Up!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I'm Tired

I am through and through tired. I am so tired that I could easily curl up in bed and sleep. All day. But I can't and that makes me tired.

Do you ever have those days when you just want to check out for a while? Let go of every responsibility and deal with the fatigue that's dragging you down. That is definitely me today. The source of my tiredness? I think it's a number of things

1. Daughter woken up by storm we had last night. That means Mommy has to be woken too
2. Dumb assed dog, DAD for short, decided that 2am was a good time to get up. Since I was up anyway (read 1) I took her downstairs. I snoozed on the sofa but it's just not the same.
3. The tension from the job search. I'm nearly done. I have countered with the change I would like to see in the offer and now I wait. This wait is making me tired. I need for it to be done so I can truly move on.
4. With me going back to work my three kids are going to have to interact. Unrefereed. This is making me decidedly anxious. Mr's 14 and 16 have not yet learned to put aside their own needs to help their sister. Everything is a major issue. If she asks for help they'll try and get her to do it first. It turns into an argument. She doesn't want to ask for help anymore. Everything is saved for when I'm around. I'll be traveling with this role. It's going to make this all worse. Ms 8 is the one that will suffer the most. The thought of this is overwhelming.
5. My weight is still up. Crap. I'm tired of this.

So there you have my little whinefest. I know my problems are minimal compared to many but today my life is just making me...well... tired!


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