Life's a journey - Let's Switch it Up!

Monday, January 01, 2007


It's hard to believe that it's already 2007... the last few years have flown by so quickly.

What do you want out of 2007? Me, my needs are relatively simple:

1. health for my family and loved ones
2. a year of growth at work and perhaps a new job. My company is moving at the end of this year and it will involve a considerable commute. My goal is to start looking around in the local area in the hope that I can maintain my existing salary but much closer to home than I will end up if I move. It's hard though - in March I will have been with them for 10 years.
3. continued weight loss and improvement in health
4. continued strengthening of my relationship with my husband
5. the boys having an aha moment that will allow then to pass through teenage stupidity relatively unscathed. This is the biggest question right now - it's also the one that I wish for most
6. a more stable financial picture. My husband and I are well paid but we're not financially smart in our spending right now. I would like to rein it in and build a little more short term security for us. Long term we're fine.

On top of these generic big picture wishes there are some things I would like to achieve:

1. renovate the downstairs bathroom
2. build exercise into my daily routine
3. clean sweep my kitchen (get rid of all useless clutter) and then plan a renovation (finances will dictate 2007 or 2008)
4. take a family vacation I can fully participate in ( my weight has held me back in so many ways)
5. see my Mum... I know Mum is thinking about going to Holland for my cousins wedding. If she does I will meet her there. It is a much more affordable option than Australia. I would like to see her one more time. My last trip was a goodbye trip but it was well over a year ago.
6. join something... something that is not work or kid related. Something that I can grow into a long term hobby or interest. For me.
7. get a professional pedicure. I hate my feet and am/was too embarrassed to let anyone else touch.
8. get a massage. I've never had one.
9. landscape the front yard. Backyard next year
10. Do something for me, once a week. I suck at this.


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