Yesterday I had a happy day.
I took my 7 year old out of school and we had a mommy/daughter day. We took the train into Toronto, had lunch, played a game of Wii boxing at the Eaton centre display and then went to see the production Wicked.
Wicked is the story of the witches in the Wizard of Oz. It was masterfully done, the two stories blending perfectly. It really added a new depth to the Wizard of Oz. We will never be able to watch that movie in the same way. It was a great musical for my little one to see - she was in the school play of Wizard this year so she was comfortable with the original story line.
I love doing this sort of thing with her. She loves the theatre experience and that is something that I am happy to encourage. So far she has demonstrated such a balanced and broad interest in her world - this is just another magical piece.
I took my 7 year old out of school and we had a mommy/daughter day. We took the train into Toronto, had lunch, played a game of Wii boxing at the Eaton centre display and then went to see the production Wicked.
Wicked is the story of the witches in the Wizard of Oz. It was masterfully done, the two stories blending perfectly. It really added a new depth to the Wizard of Oz. We will never be able to watch that movie in the same way. It was a great musical for my little one to see - she was in the school play of Wizard this year so she was comfortable with the original story line.
I love doing this sort of thing with her. She loves the theatre experience and that is something that I am happy to encourage. So far she has demonstrated such a balanced and broad interest in her world - this is just another magical piece.
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