Life's a journey - Let's Switch it Up!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Job Update

As you may recall I called the company I had been interviewing with to check in ie to see if I could find out what the heck was going on. I left a message with HR on Thursday morning... and I didn't hear back until yesterday.

The following is the response I got in an email...

Hi Ann
Thank you for your voicemail message yesterday. Sherry will be contacting you shortly, if she has not done so already.

Thanks for keeping in contact with us.

Huh? Is this a dear Ann letter? I asked several people I know and the vote was split. Some saw it as hopeful, others saw it as a lead in to the thanks but no thanks.

Actually they were all right. Late yesterday afternoon I got a call from Sherry, who happens to be the last person I interviewed with, to tell me that they had decided to go with someone else for the training managers job. She was blown away by me and my resume however and would like to explore whether I'd be interested in another position she is recruiting for.

Oh? The new position is much more strategic in nature (my preferred modus of operation), is cross site in terms of responsibility (regular trips to Boston), will allow me influence across all departments in the business and here's the kicker - no direct reports for now. I'm so ok with that. My last lot were largely wonderful but I had a couple of problem children that drained the crap out of me.

The beauty of this position is that it calls on a lot of what I have done in the past but it also formalizes a move into operations management if that is what I would like to do when I grow up.

I will meet with Sherry again on Wednesday or Thursday to explore this further. We have both determined that there is a organizational fit - she just wants to ensure that there is a job fit that will keep me challenged. I'm rather excited...this company has obviously seen something they like. How cool is that?


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