Life's a journey - Let's Switch it Up!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Red Bull has nothing on the DS

When I was struggling with the coma inducing effects of sleep apnea I would often drink Red Bull, or equivalent, before doing the two hour drive to our London office. The drive itself is a snorefest - straight, boring highway. Add in the sleep apnea and, well, let's just say that I was lucky that the drive wasn't deadly. It could have been. I did doze off. Several times. In the fast lane.

Anyway, those days are long behind me. Now I am going for 18 - 19 hours a day with energy to spare. This weekend it hit home how different life really is. I cleaned up a storm. I cleaned out my fridge at 10pm at night. Why? Because it needed to be done. Because I could. I sorted out some of the kitchen cabinets. I helped the boys get their room into a state of "almost acceptable". I played taxi driver for the kids. We went to the school fair. Soccer photo's. I trimmed trees, weeded, watered. And this was just Saturday.

This would never have happened pre surgery. Because I couldn't. Although I am not getting done what I want to, I am certainly getting in more life than I have in a long while. I've just been too busy to recognize it. It's quite the feeling. I got a stack load of things done this weekend. I - dare I say it - feel like I'm moving in a forward direction!


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